Website Design

Established in 2013, The Education and Training Foundation exists to support and enhance the quality, professionalism and efficiency of the education and training system.

The Brief

Hitch were selected to research, plan and develop a new website for the Foundation following a competitive tendering process, in the Autumn of 2015.

The Approach

Hitch examined the build of the existing site, worked through existing user journeys, as well as search queries and individual page analytics, and drew up a number of broad recommendations around the structuring and delivery of content. We carried out interviews with board members, employees, and service users, to further understand stakeholder audiences’ requirements. Following this research, we recommended a site map structure, alongside a range of designs for the delivery of the site. 

The Results

As a result of this insight driven approach, Hitch were able to provide a recommended sitemap structure, alongside a range of designs for the delivery of the site. Following further user testing of these designs, a final look and feel was agreed, and development work was carried out to deliver a modern, user-friendly site.

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